Stranger Things’ Breakout Star Sadie Sink Recalls Her High School Insecurities, and They Are the Same as Ours
via Imago
The more we read about the actors or hear their interviews, the more we can see them a little differently. We can connect ourselves with them. The more they open up about their personal lives, the more they become real to us. The actors, though having a reel personality, always have much more underneath that character. Sadie Sink reveals some secrets about herself which make us relate to her.
Sadie Sink and her high school insecurities
Our favorite Stranger Things character, Max, is bold and outspoken. But Sadie Sink says otherwise. Well, recently after a great hit of Stranger Things 4 volume 1, Sadie sat down with Glamour and opens up about societal pressure, her thoughts about social media, her closeness with the cast and so much more.
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Initially, she talks about confidence. Does confidence come naturally to her? The Star Wars fan shares that confidence for her is something that is inconsistent. Sometimes, she feels more confident, but sometimes, she feels more insecure. Sadie admits that playing Max in the show really helped her in her personal growth as well. Although, it keeps fluctuating and is never the same. But playing the character of Max helped Sadie to become her most confident self.
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Sadie shares her school experiences. She says “Throughout the middle school and high school, I don’t think there was ever a moment where I wasn’t, like, doubting myself, or like feeling insecure, and just trying to find myself, I guess.”
When she was around 10, she started taking an active role in this industry. Growing up in the industry is hard because you have so many actors around your age. You kind of compare yourself to them and you doubt your abilities. “That’s probably my biggest insecurity, I guess,” admits Sadie and adds, “… coming into my own as an actress.”
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It is understandable that we all have insecurities and we can overcome them. As we can see, Sadie admits she has changed and is more confident now. We can see that when she fights Vecna and escapes the Upside Down. She has become a beautiful metaphor for healing for her fans. The confidence that we see as Max in her is a kind of reflection of her own self as well.
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