These Parallels Between Daniel and Samantha LaRusso From the Karate Kid and Cobra Kai Will Win Your Heart

Published 01/18/2022, 2:30 PM EST

via Imago

Since Cobra Kai arrived on Netflix, the series has received mainstream fame. Many thought that the quality of the series would decline, but The Karate Kid spin-off has stayed afloat. We have seen the change in new and old characters alike, but their core attributes are constant.

On the surface, it might seem that the series has all its charms because of the old characters recast with the same actors. But, the real credit goes to its writers and creators who have focused on details. which fans were quick to notice. However, Cobra Kai fans on Tumblr went a step ahead and have found these similarities between Samantha and Daniel LaRusso.

Parallels between Samantha and Daniel LaRusso


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Students always replicate their mentors in some manner or other. And the series stressed how Daniel trained Sam in Miyagi-Do karate before she lost interest. Thus, it is not a complete shocker when Sam has a stance similar to Daniel’s. However, in season 4, Johnny’s Eagle Fangs karate influenced Sam, as she changed her fighting style.

In her fight against Tory, Sam finds herself defenseless, a major flaw of Eagle Fang karate. Sam asks for Daniel’s advice, and the entire scene turns into a callback from the movie franchise. Sam resembles Daniel while Daniel has now stepped in Mr. Miyagi’s shoes. The creators’ vision to integrate the fight scene with the OG movie highlights their genius.

Differences equally highlighted in Cobra Kai


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As Miyagi Sensei once said, “whole life has a balance.” The creators have implemented it in the series by making grey characters as opposed to the usual black and white approach. Although Sam has a lot in common with Daniel, season 4 exposes the differences. Earlier, we have established how Johnny influenced Sam’s fighting style, but Sam has incorporated Johnny’s lessons off the mat, as well.

We also find out how Sam doesn’t wish to work at the dealership and has other plans. Sam’s fallout with her father on the mat might have healed. But off the mat, Sam respects Johnny for his decision to do what he loved, which might not be the case with Daniel. Season 5 will reveal if Sam was going through the rebel phase or if she was serious.


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Still Can’t Get Over YOU? Here Are Some Movies Like YOU on Netflix

about 3 years ago

Netflix released Cobra Kai season 4 on December 31st, 2021. Have you watched it yet? If yes, did spot these parallels and more? Enlighten us in the comments below.



Anuj Kapse

212 articles

Anuj Kapse is a writer at Netflix Junkie. This undergraduate, who has developed a liking for the creative arts and writing, decided to explore and build his passion in the entertainment vertical. He enjoys watching and recommending sitcoms /mockumentary to his friends, and some of his staples are American Vandal, Trial & Error, and Crashing.