Christina Hendricks Heartbroken on ‘Good Girls’ Cancellation, Calls Out NBC for “massively failing”

Published 03/09/2022, 1:00 AM EST

via Imago

Like most of the fans, Christina Hendricks was heartbroken when she learned that her show, Good Girls, was axed. The fourth season arrived on Netflix on March 7th 2022. 

Differences in schedules and paychecks led the broadcaster to pull the plug on the show. Hendricks appeared at the Good Eggs dinner event in Santa Monica, where she revealed her sentiments regarding the cancellation to People

Hendrick expressed that NBC “failed massively” when it came to marketing the show properly. She added, “It was quirky and weird and smart and they kind of made it just look like a sitcom.


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NBC promised the cast another season 

NBC canceled Good Girls after four long seasons. It was as much a surprise to Hendricks as it was to the fans. 

NBC told us we were going to get picked up and then two weeks later yanked it out from underneath us and took it away from us,” said the actress. 

NBC had apparently planned a season 5 with eight episodes but the plan never materialized due to monetary issues. 

So, we were kind of all like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa.’ Because we loved it. We loved doing it, and [costars] Retta and Mae Whitman were like two… they still are two of my best friends and we love working together. So, every other day we send each other texts being like, ‘I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.’ But it was a little bit of a heartbreak, because we like doing it.” 


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She won’t be back for a Good Girls revival on Netflix 


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When asked if she would be willing to be on board for a revival, the Mad Men star reveals, “Like Mad Men … We ended on a high note. I want to leave proud of it. I never want to have regrets and I feel so proud of Good Girls. I think it was stellar from start to finish. It was done. It was good. Perfect.”  

The Emmy award nominee wanted the last season to tie up the story neatly and say a proper goodbye to the show. 

What I wanted was for us to have one last season to tie it up,” said the star. “But I think that they exhausted their storylines. I think they started repeating themselves a little bit. And so I think it was time.


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The fourth season of Good Girls is streaming on Netflix now. 


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Srabani Biswas

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Srabani Biswas is a writer at Netflix Junkie. She is a sociology graduate from Lady Brabourne College. Previously, she has contributed to Sports India Show and The Sports Room as a sports writer, and interned at Ripples Learning.