Netflix Set to Make a Major Change to Its Movie Production, Moves Away From “big” Stars
Netflix, widely recognized as the leading force in streaming, is currently in the midst of a transformation. Over the years, the platform has diversified its content offerings to broaden its audience, introducing a variety of innovative formats such as Netflix originals, limited series, and a dedicated children's section. However, within the cinematic terrain, despite its success in delivering notable releases featuring prominent figures, Netflix's new film chief is now steering away from relying solely on big-name stars and high-budget productions as they reshape their approach to movie-making.
This shift was recently highlighted when Netflix chose not to pursue a deal with one of its own established stars, signaling a departure from past practices.
Netflix pivots from this star as part of overhauling its cinematic landscape
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With Dan Lin assuming the role of Netflix's new Film Chief this month, significant changes have already swept through the streaming giant's cinematic landscape. Hence, furthering that vision, The New York Times recently outlined that Lin's strategy to elevate Netflix's movie quality will also witness cutting down on expenses, release frequency, and moving away from costly action films starring "big movie stars." This strategic shift led Netflix to opt out of pursuing a deal for a short story involving Millie Bobby Brown, a star who gained prominence through Netflix.
According to two other sources familiar with the matter, Netflix is supposedly no longer proceeding with a film adaptation of David Koepp's novel Aurora, directed by Kathryn Bigelow. Moreover, in line with Lin's objective of offering a broader range of films across different budget levels to cater to diverse subscriber interests, there have been concerns about a deal between Edward Berger and Colin Farrell. As reported, three individuals privy to the deal disclosed how Berger expressed discontent over the service's insistence on budget reductions for the film.
The report also says that Berger, who has earned four Oscars for Netflix with All Quiet on the Western Front, has declined to comment about the subject as did his spokesperson and Netflix. However, the cues that the transformation is being put into place come from the news of the strategic layoff of several people.
Netflix employees undergo an extraordinary downsizing
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Upon Dan Lin's appointment as Netflix's new film chief, the streaming service embarked on a series of significant restructuring efforts within its film division. The process commenced with Lin's swift action, resulting in the termination of 15 employees in rapid succession, as per a report by Deadline. Concurrently, it was announced that the film department would transition to organizing by genres rather than budgets, with designated leaders assigned to oversee each category.
According to the report, Ori Murmur will assume responsibility for action, fantasy, horror, and sci-fi genres, while Kira Goldberg will oversee thrillers, dramas, and family films. Furthermore, Ninja Kuykendall and Jason Young have been tasked with managing young adult, holiday, faith-based movies, and the comedy and romantic comedy sectors of Netflix's film releases, respectively. Initially, it may have appeared that the only individuals affected by the transition were those within the Netflix film department. However, with the recent disclosure concerning major stars, it has become clear that both groups are in the same boat.
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What do you think of Netflix's strategy of reshaping the cinematic landscape with a shift from big-impact stars? Let us know in the comments below!
Edited By: Itti Mahajan
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