Prince Harry Reunited With Meghan Markle, After a ‘No Meet with Family’ Trip to the UK For Invictus Games

Published 05/10/2024, 2:32 AM EDT

Prince Harry recently graced the British land to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games. However, the Duke was neither accompanied by his estranged family, something fans had been looking forward to for weeks, nor was he accompanied by his wife, Meghan Markle. Nonetheless, right after celebrating the event, the Duchess joined her husband on a trip to Nigeria for a 72-hour whistle-stop tour, as reported by The Mirror


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The Californian royals were spotted boarding a flight bound for Abuja. Upon landing in Abuja, other passengers were held back as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were escorted off the plane. Nigerian officials were on hand to greet them, leading them off the plane through a side door onto the jetty and into a waiting minibus. As confirmed by their representatives to The Mirror, members of the media will also be joining Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on this trip. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Nigerian trip will last from May 10th to May 13th at the invitation of General Christopher Musa. The visit will entail interactions with soldiers and their families, trips to schools and hospitals, and discussions with government officials before the it concludes on Monday. However, this trip could bring forth some more controversies for the Sussexes. 

Meghan Markle Feels ‘Unwanted’ by the UK as Prince Harry Plans His Return to the Royal Land

Meghan Markle's recent involvement with the Invictus Games has left a bitter taste among the veterans, causing them to lose faith in the entire initiative.

Why do Invictus veterans seem upset with Meghan Markle?


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have recently faced criticism for allegedly making the Invictus Games too centered on royalty. The Duke of Sussex's original vision for the Invictus Games was to offer support for wounded war veterans in their journey to overcome traumas and foster a sense of camaraderie. However, recently, 2,000 ex-military personnel have withdrawn from the games as they felt it became more about PR and less about "its original meaning". Meghan Markle has not been spared from criticism either.

Recently, royal author Tom Quinn voiced to The Mirror that Prince Harry's apparent "new Meghan-inspired desire" to be open about every facet of his life might have led to a degree of hostility among the veterans. Meghan Markle has accompanied her husband to various Invictus Games gatherings over the years, causing some to perceive the event as excessively royal-oriented. And now, following their recent visit to Nigeria, it appears that the Duchess has no plans to scale back her involvement with the Invictus Games.


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What do you think about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Nigerian trip? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!



Hriddhi Maitra

1127 articles

Hriddhi Maitra is a Hollywood News reporter at Netflix Junkie. An enthusiastic movie buff, Hriddhi found her true calling when she worked as a Cinema Content Writer at My Cinema Story while analyzing movies objectively, and offering constructive feedback. Coming from a background where she worked in different niches like finance, food, travel, medicines, automobile, and entertainment, we can safely say she is a jack of all trades.

Edited By: Itti Mahajan