National Coffee Day: Revisiting 7 Iconic ‘Friends’ Moments From Central Perk

Published 09/30/2023, 9:40 AM EDT

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One of the rarest shows that almost entirely happened at a coffee shop is NBC’s Friends. The very opening scene happened at New York City’s famous coffee house, Central Perk. And, of course, it could not end without mentioning coffee as well. Even Rachel and Joey once served coffee at the Perk, too. From Rachel entering the coffee shop in her wedding dress to all the 6 friends going to grab their last coffee in the finale episode, coffee was integral to the show and its characters.

On National Coffee Day, it would be a sin to not remember the infamous Central Perk. So, let us take a trip down memory lane to remember some of the iconic moments of the friends on Friends.

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Apart from Chandler and Monica’s apartments, the majority of the scenes took place at the coffeehouse. Many memories were made, hearts broken, and everyone shared laughter. Here are the 7 best moments from Central Perk.

Phoebe singing Smelly Cat (season 2 episode 6)

Phoebe sang this catchy song several times during the entire show. However, the best performance was when she included all her friends except Ross in singing the chorus. After singing the first line of the song, she asked Rachel, Monica, Chandler, and Joey to sing along with her. This was one of the coziest, warm, and beautiful moments from the show.

The song became so famous that even celebrities loved it. Well, they still do, given Taylor Swift’s passionate love for the show and especially this song. Lisa Kudrow and the American pop star sang the song together at one of Swift’s concerts as well.

Ross’ Unagi (season 6 episode 17)

Ross tried to say to Rachel and Phoebe that he had taken karate classes. While talking about it, he referred to the term ‘Unagi’ which is an alert state of mind. Rachel immediately doubted this and asked if it was “a kind of sushi“. While Rachel and Phoebe made fun of Ross’ ‘Unagi’, he became determined to make them believe in the theory. This moment gave exposure to Ross’ passion for whatever he would do. It showcased the all-in nature of the character.

However, it also got Ross kicked by a bunch of women out of Central Perk, which Rachel and Phoebe witnessed from the inside.

Chandler admitted how he liked maintaining Monica (season 6 episode 12)

Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe had an argument about their innate natures. Monica got offended by the comment about being high maintenance. There was when she asked Chandler to give a speech about how she was not high maintenance. Well, although she was a little high maintenance, Chandler admitted it to her and gave his own speech.

When Chandler explained how he loved the passionate Monica, every viewer fell in love with him. How beautifully this scene revealed the importance of accepting your partner the way they are!

Joey’s problem with “Air Quotes” (season 9 episode 2)

Do you remember when Joey “accidentally” picked up Ross’ grandmother’s ring and “accidentally” proposed to Rachel in the hospital? Later, when Ross met him at Central Perk, Joey tried to use air quotes only to use them wrongly. When Ross told him he was not doing it right, he brought his hand closer to his face and apologized.

This scene brought out Joey Tribbiani’s innocent character adorably. The showmakers intentionally dumbed the character to justify the character.


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And here, despite being an emotional moment for Ross, Joey’s innocence won fans’ hearts.

Phoebe chose the weirdest name for her, and Mike (season 10 episode 14)

One of the most remarkable love stories of the entire show was Phoebe and Mike’s. After they got married, Phoebe chose to change her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock without knowing what her last name meant. And she suggested Mike to change his name to Crap Bag as well. When she introduced their new names to her friends, she decided to keep their original names.

The equation of their relationship was so beautiful that viewers wanted to have a relationship like theirs. Later, she learned the banana hammock meant speedo.

Joey Tribbiani revealed the most important fact about himself (season 10 episode 10)

Apart from his aspiring acting career, and his relationships with women, one thing that meant the world to him was his food. After coming back from a date with Phoebe’s friend, Joey revealed the details while Rachel joined the conversation. During the conversation, Rachel told how Joey would not share his food with even Emma, Rachel’s baby. The most used line from the show was spoken here, “Joey doesn’t share food.”


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Throughout the show, it was evident how passionately Joey loved food. And here, he admitted it and gave fans one of the most hilarious moments.

Ross kissed Rachel for the first time (season 2 episode 7)

Last but not least, the first kiss shared by Ross and Rachel at the doors of Central Perk. After engaging Rachel with “The List, ” Ross finally confessed his love for Rachel when she was closing the coffee house. After going through a turmoil of confusion and self-doubt, Ross finally gathered the courage to let Rachel know how he felt about her. This time, without any kind of list. This moment was the beginning of the rollercoaster journey of the Ross-Rachel love story.


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Apart from all these moments, there are certainly several moments that live in fans’ hearts rent-free. Share your favorite Central Perk moments while celebrating National Coffee Day with us.



Neha Chande

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Meet Neha Chande, an entertainment writer at Netflix Junkie, who has written more than 1100 articles. With a Master's degree in English Literature, Neha believes in unbiased journalism. Before delving into her passion for writing and cinema, she taught English and communication skills as a facilitator and lecturer.