Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Rude Awakening Following Spotify Breakup Does Not End at Being Called “gritters”

Published 06/26/2023, 10:30 PM EDT

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Meghan Markle, before becoming the lead player in Megxit, was an actress. And while she had been trying for a long time, her only popular role was in Suits. Prince Harry, on the other hand, has gone most of his life doing his princely duties. And said duties definitely did not overlap with anything production related.

The Sussexes had zero expertise when it came to production. However, they fattened their pockets as everyone from Netflix and Spotify to publishing houses were willing to sell their stories like hotcakes. This was a recipe for disaster. And Spotify seems to be the first to have tasted the bitter broth as it parted ways from the couple in what is being claimed as a “mutual” agreement.

But if that is the case, then why do the claims of their “lack of productivity” remain undying? It did not take long for the fingers to point at the Sussexes after the Spotify break-off. One of the first allegations against them came from Bill Simmons.


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And now sources, as per The Wall Street Journal, have expressed how the Sussexes have left not just Spotify but also Netflix “underwhelmed.

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When the company first brought the Sussexes to the table, they were hoping for more than just a docuseries. This is why when Markle could only do a bare minimum of thirteen episodes and Prince Harry could only think of a fatherless Pope Francis as a guest on his podcast about “fatherhood,” they were disappointed.


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It is wrong to hold Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at gunpoint for trying something new. However, if the cost of them trying new things is a whopping $20 million, they should probably try something else. But even though Taylor Swift reportedly rejected their invitation, the Sussexes’ grass still remains greener than the rest.

Will Netflix follow Spotify into dropping Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?


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If the reports about Netflix relating to Spotify’s claims about the Sussexes are true, then things are not headed in the right direction. However, there is still hope for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry making it work with Netflix.

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After all, the couple did give the platform one of its most-watched documentaries. And if they stick to their previous plan of making movies and shows with the platform, then it is a win-win situation.


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How Does Meghan Markle ‘Pamper’ Herself?

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Do you think Spotify was underwhelmed by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? Let us know in the comments below.



Aliza Siddiqui

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Meet Aliza Siddiqui, a Hollywood News reporter at Netflix Junkie. Her love affair with Hollywood began with Anne Hathaway and The Princess Diaries, but it was the thrilling climax of Don’t Look Up that cemented her infatuation with the industry and its filmmaking. Aliza's journey into entertainment reporting began with her time at Otakukart, where she wrote over a thousand articles.