Rishab Murali
Rishab is a writer at Netflix Junkie; currently, in his 3rd year of Mechanical Engineering at Pillai College, New Panvel. He has watched a plethora of movies and series of multiple languages across a number of platforms and likes to write articles with the utmost diligence. In the meantime, he immerses himself in creating anime sketches, playing football, and daydreaming about the various actresses from the plethora of movies as mentioned above. His favorite sitcom would be Big Bang Theory with its quirky characters, crisp sarcasm, and the fun twist of science it entails. Notably, he has probably watched every horror movie Hollywood has to offer. Some other series he loves are The Daredevil, The Office, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Seinfeld, and the list goes on.
All Articles by Rishab Murali

February 4, 2022

February 1, 2022

January 31, 2022

January 31, 2022